Hear from our Snoozy Sleep graduates experiences.
It seems to have become the norm to judge parents and their parenting abilities as to whether their children sleep or not, causing them to question their instincts and whether they are doing a good enough job. I empower parents by supporting them in the creation of an environment where their family can thrive through the use of responsive and empowering sleep support.
“I would recommend her to anyone who was struggling but especially mums who feel like they are alone and have no one that will listen to them including medical health professionals. For me she took me out of a very dark period of motherhood to finally enjoy my baby and for my baby to be happy in the way she should be. Life changing. Thank you Emily.”
— Cambridge Family
“We still cannot believe that our baby is now sleeping through the night! From waking hourly for their dummy, to 11 hours straight through, it is nothing short of magic.”
— New York family
“We are all so much happier as we are finally getting more sleep & I don’t go to bed each night now dreading the night ahead. Thank you so much Emily for all of your help, tips & advice. You are worth every penny & more & I’ve already recommended you to several of my sleep deprived friends”
— London family
“Emily is kind, personable, caring, and empathetic. We were not an ‘easy’ family to work with, and Emily was the calm and rationale we so desperately needed to guide us through the changes we had to make.”
— Norfolk family
When we first contacted Emily our little one woke every 2-3 hours throughout the night & would only resettle if she was fed back to sleep.
We knew what we were doing wasn’t sustainable & we needed to improve all of our sleep! Emily listened, was sympathetic, kind & most importantly told us it wasn’t our fault & we’d done nothing wrong. Emily sent us a routine to follow & after one day of following our new day & night time routine our little one slept through the night for the first time - amazing!!! 💕 2 weeks on & she is still sleeping through nearly every night. If she does wake, after a quick cuddle she’s soon back to sleep.
Emily’s whatsapp support afterwards was brilliant. After a few days we started getting some very early wake ups. Emily responded quickly & with a couple of further tweaks to our daytime routine we managed to push our little ones wake up time out a bit.
We are all so much happier as we are finally getting more sleep & I don’t go to bed each night now dreading the night ahead. Thank you so much Emily for all of your help, tips & advice. You are worth every penny & more & I’ve already recommended you to several of my sleep deprived friends xx